4. Window Library -turn page- 5. Utility Library

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Reference List Window Library


Easy_Mesag R Entry[,R Buffer$]
Easy_Mesag R Entry,R Buffer$,R Mx,R My
[,R Mb[,R Modifier[,R Clicks]]]

Easy_Mesag R Entry,R Buffer$,R Ev_Msk,
R Mx,R My,R Mb,R Modifier,R Clicks,R Kbrd
Entry Selected menu entry.
Buffer$ This string contains the information about the event.
Ev_Msk The event mask defines which type of events should be observed and on return contains the information about the events which really happened.
Mx X-position of the mouse on the real screen.
My Y-position of the mouse on the real screen.
Mb Status of the mouse button.
Modifier Status of the modifier keys.
Clicks Number of mouse clicks.
Kbrd Status of the keyboard.
With this procedure events which are reported to your program by the operation system can be received (mouse movings, key strokes etc.).
Elastic_Circle Win,X,Y,R Ra,R Mb[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the center of the circle.
Y Y-coordinate of the center of the circle.
Ra Radius of the circle.
Mb Status of the mouse at return time.
Action Address of a function called with each mouse movement.
Pull up a rubber band circle.
Elastic_Ellipse Win,X,Y,R Rx,R Ry,R Mb[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
Y Y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse.
Rx X-half-axis of the ellipse.
Ry Y-half-axis of the ellipse.
Mb Status of the mouse at return time.
Action Address of a function called with each mouse movement.
Pull up a rubber band ellipse.
Elastic_Line Win,X1,Y1,R X2,R Y2,R Mb[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the start point of the line.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the start point of the line.
X2 X-coordinate of the end point of the line.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the end point of the line.
Mb Status of the mouse at return time.
Action Address of a function called with each mouse movement.
Pull up a rubber band line.
Elastic_Rect Win,X,Y,R W,R H,R Mb[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the start point of the rectangle.
Y Y-coordinate of the start point of the rectangle.
W Width of the rectangle.
H Height of the rectangle.
Mb Status of the mouse at return time.
Action Address of a function called with each mouse movement.
Pull up a rubber band rectangle.
Elastic_Roundrect Win,X,Y,R W,R H,R Mb[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the start point of the rounded rectangle.
Y Y-coordinate of the start point of the rounded rectangle.
W Width of the rounded rectangle.
H Height of the rounded rectangle.
Mb Status of the mouse at return time.
Action Address of a function called with each mouse movement.
Pull up a rubber band rounded rectangle.
FN Gwin_Ptr(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Return the 'GWorldPtr'.
FN Twin_Cellheight(Win)         
Win Window identification number.
Determine height of letters.
FN Twin_Cellwidth(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Determine width of letters.
FN Twin_Csrlin(Win)   
Win Window identification number.
Determine current cursor line.
FN Twin_Getbackcolor(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Return the set background color.
FN Twin_Getface(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Return the set text style.
FN Twin_Getfont(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Return the set text font.
FN Twin_Getforecolor(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Return the set text color.
FN Twin_Getlen(Win,Y)
Win Window identification number.
Y Number of the line, whose length should be queried.
Determine length of text window line.
FN Twin_Getline$(Win,Y)
Win Window identification number.
Y Number of the line, whose content should be queried.
Get text window line.
FN Twin_Getsize(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Return the set text size.
FN Twin_Inkey(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Query input of a character.
FN Twin_Input(Win)      
Win Window identification number.
Test whether the input of one line has been concluded.
FN Twin_Input_Pos(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Return the X-position of the cursor within the input line.
FN Twin_Input$(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Return the entered string.
FN Twin_Pos(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Determine current cursor column.
FN Win_Closed(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Determine if window has been closed.
FN Win_Getflags(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Query the window flags.
FN Win_Infoheight(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Height of information line.
FN Win_Info$(Win)
Win Window identification number.
Query information line.
FN Win_Kind(Win)  
Win Window identification number.
Determine structure of marginal area.
FN Win_Name$(Win)  
Win Window identification number.
Query window name.
FN Win_Ptr(Win) 
Win Window identification number.
Return the 'WindowPtr'.
FN Win_Type(Win)         
Win Window identification number.
Determine window type.
FN Win_Whichtop  
Win Window identification number.
Determine the number of the active window.
Win Window identification number.
Activate graphics window.
Gwin_Copy Win[,X,Y,W,H]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be copied area.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be copied area.
W Width of the to be copied area.
H Height of the to be copied area.
Copy a picture onto the clipboard.
Gwin_Clear Win[,X,Y,W,H]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be cleared area.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be cleared area.
W Width of the to be cleared area.
H Height of the to be cleared area.
Clear picture.
Gwin_Cut Win[,X,Y,W,H]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the area which should be cut.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the area which should be cut.
W Width of the area which should be cut.
H Height of the area which should be cut.
Cut picture and move it onto the clipboard.
Win Window identification number.
Deactivate graphics window.
Gwin_Getblock Win,X,Y
Gwin_Getblock Win,0,W,H
Gwin_Getblock Win,X,Y,W,H
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of block start.
Y Y-coordinate of block start.
W Width of the block.
H Height of the block.
Query beginning and/or size of block.
Gwin_Hcopy Win[,X,Y,W,H]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be printed area.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be printed area.
W Width of the to be printed area.
H Height of the to be printed area.
Print picture.
Gwin_Load R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H
Gwin_Load R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H,Virt_W,
Win Window identification number.
Win_X X-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_Y Y-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_W Width of the window.
Win_H Height of the window.
Virt_W Width of the virtual screen.
Virt_H Height of the virtual screen.
Name$  The name of the window which is displayed in the title bar.
Info$ The content of the info line below the title bar.
Kind Window flags (explanation see Gwin_Open).
File$ FileSpecificationRecord of the desired file.
Load "PICT" file.
Gwin_Open R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H
Gwin_Open R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H,
Win Window identification number.
Win_X X-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_Y Y-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_W Width of the window.
Win_H Height of the window.
Virt_W Width of the virtual screen.
Virt_H Height of the virtual screen.
Name$ The name of the window which is displayed in the title bar.
Info$ The content of the info line below the title bar.
Kind Window flags.
. G_Name The name of the window is displayed.
G_Close The window has a closer.
G_Full The window has a fuller.
G_Move The window can be moved.
G_Info The window has an info line.
G_Size The window has a sizer.
G_Uparrow Display scroll arrow up.
G_Dnarrow Display scroll arrow down.
. G_Larrow Display scroll arrow left.
G_Rarrow Display scroll arrow right.
G_Vslide Display the vertical slider bar.
G_Hslide Display the horizontal bar.
G_Palette (Bit 14) Assign the system color palette to the window.
(Bit 15)
The window in hided but can be made visible with Win_Reopen.
G_All All marginal elements except the info line are displayed.
Open graphics window.
Gwin_Paste Win[[,X,Y[,W,H]][,File$]]
Gwin_Paste Win,X,Y,W,H,File$,Action
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the area into which the picture should be pasted.
Y X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the area into which the picture should be pasted.
W Width of the area into which the picture should be pasted.
H Height of the area into which the picture should be pasted.
File$ FileSpecificationRecord of the file from which the data should be read.
Action Address of an action function to be called permanently by EasyGem at pasting time.
Paste picture.
Gwin_Save Win[,X,Y,W,H],File$
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be saved area.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be saved area.
W Width of the to be saved area.
H Height of the to be saved area.
File$ FileSpecificationRecord of the file which should be saved.
Save window as a "PICT" file.
Gwin_Select Win,X,Y,R W,R H[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the block.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the block.
W Width of the block.
H Height of the blocks.
Action Address of an action function to be called by EasyGem at any mouse movement.
Select graphics block.
Gwin_Setblock Win,X,Y
Gwin_Setblock Win,0,W,H
Gwin_Setblock Win,X,Y,W,H
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the block start.
Y Y-coordinate of the block start.
W Width of the block.
H Height of the block.
Modify beginning and/or size of block.
Twin_Clear Win[,X1,Y1,X2,Y2]
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the text start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the text start.
X2 X-coordinate of the text end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the text end.
Delete text.
Twin_Cls Win 
Win Window identification number.
Clear text screen and immediately display result.
Twin_Copy Win[,X1,Y1,X2,Y2],Format
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the text start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the text start.
X2 X-coordinate of the text end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the text end.
Format Mac-format or DOS-format.
Copy text onto the clipboard.
Twin_Cut Win[,X1,Y1,X2,Y2],Format
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the text start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the text start.
X2 X-coordinate of the text end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the text end.
Format Mac-format or DOS-format.
Cut text and copy it onto the clipboard.
Twin_Delete Win,Y,X,N
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the character from which on the text should be deleted.
X X-position of the character from which on the text should be deleted.
N Amount of characters to be removed.
Remove text.
Twin_Fullinput Win[,Y,X[,Usng$[,F_Char]]]
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the cursor.
X X-position of the cursor.
Usng$ USING string.
F_Char ASCII code of the fill character.
The whole text is to be edited.
Twin_Getblock Win,X1,Y1
Twin_Getblock Win,0,X2,Y2
Twin_Getblock Win,X1,Y1,X2,Y2
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the block start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the block start.
X2 X-coordinate of the block end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the block end.
Query block position and/or block size.
Twin_Hcopy Win[,X1,Y1,X2,Y2]
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the text start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the text start.
X2 X-coordinate of the text end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the text end.
Print text.
Twin_Icls Win 
Win Window identification number.
Clear text screen.
Twin_Idelete Win,Y,X,N
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the character from which on the text should be deleted.
X X-position of the character from which on the text should be deleted.
N Amount of characters to be removed.
Remove text on the virtual screen.
Twin_Iinsert Win,Y,X,Txt$
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position at which the text should be inserted.
X X-position at which the text should be inserted.
Txt$ Text to be inserted.
Insert text on the virtual screen.
Twin_Inkey Win    
Win   Window identification number.
Cause input of a character.
Twin_Inkey_Clear Win    
Win   Window identification number.
Cancel input.
Twin_Input Win[,Def$[,Usng$[,Length[,F_Char[,Posn]]]]  
Twin_Input Win,Y,X,Def$,Usng$,Length,F_Char,Posn  
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the input line.
X X-position of the input line.
Def$ Default string in the input line.
Usng$ USING string.
Length Length of the input line.
F_Char ASCII code of the fill character in the input line.
Posn Position of the cursor inside the input line.
Input of one line.
Has no significance and is only for compatibility reasons available.
Twin_Insert Win,Y,X,Txt$
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position at which the text should be inserted.
X X-position at which the text should be inserted.
Txt$ Text to be inserted.
Insert text.
Twin_Iprint Win[[,Y,X][,Txt$]]
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the text.
X X-position of the text.
Txt$ Output text.
Print text virtually and line feed.
Twin_Iprint_ Win[,Y,X][,Txt$]
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the text.
X X-position of the text.
Txt$ Output text.
Print text virtually without line feed.
Twin_Iscrolldown Win[,N]
Win Window identification number.
N Amount of lines.
Scroll text window down.
Twin_Iscrollup Win[,N]
Win Window identification number.
N Amount of lines.
Scroll text window up.
Twin_Load R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H
Twin_Load R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H,Virt_W,
Virt_H,Name$, Info$[,Kind],File$
Win Window identification number.
Win_X X-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_Y Y-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_W Width of the window.
Win_H Height of the window.
Virt_W Width of the virtual screen.
Virt_H Height of the virtual screen.
Name$  The name of the window which is displayed in the title bar.
Info$ The content of the info line below the title bar.
Kind Window flags (explanation see Gwin_Open).
File$ FileSpecificationRecord of the desired file.
Load text file.
Twin_Maxspace Lines  
Lines Amount of desired lines.
Define the maximal amount of lines in text windows.
Twin_Open R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H
Twin_Open R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H,
Virt_W,Virt_H,Name$, Info$[,Kind]
Win Window identification number.
Win_X X-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_Y Y-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_W Width of the window.
Win_H Height of the window.
Virt_W Breite des virtuellen Bildschirms.
Virt_H Höhe des virtuellen Bildschirms.
Name$  The name of the window which is displayed in the title bar.
Info$ The content of the info line below the title bar.
Kind Window flags (explanation see Gwin_Open).
Open text window.
Twin_Paste Win[[,X1,Y1][,File$]]
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate at which the text should be pasted.
Y1 Y-coordinate at which the text should be pasted.
File$ FileSpecificationRecord of the file from which the data should be taken.
Insert text.
Twin_Print Win[[,Y,X][,Txt$]]
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the text.
X X-position of the text.
Txt$ Text to be printed.
Print text and line feed.
Twin_Print_ Win[,Y,X][,Txt$]
Win Window identification number.
Y Y-position of the text.
X X-position of the text.
Txt$ Text to be printed.
Print text without line feed.
Twin_Save Win[,X1,Y1,X2,Y2],Format,File$
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the text start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the text start.
X2 X-coordinate of the text end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the text end.
Format Mac-format oder DOS-format
File$ FileSpecificationRecord of the to be saved file.
Save text.
Twin_Scrollup Win[,N]
Win Window identification number.
N Amount of lines.
Text window scroll up and display the result immediately.
Twin_Scrolldown Win[,N]
Win Window identification number.
N Amount of lines.
Text window scroll down and display the result immediately.
Twin_Select Win,X1,Y1,R X2,R Y2[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the block start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the block start.
X2 X-coordinate of the block end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the block end.
Action Address of an action function to be called by EasyGem with each mouse movement.
Select text block.
Twin_Setbackcolor Win,Font_Backcolor    
Win Window identification number.
Font_Backcolor Text background color.
Set the background color for text output.
Twin_Setblock Win,X1,Y1
Twin_Setblock Win,0,X2,Y2
Twin_Setblock Win,X1,Y1,X2,Y2
Win Window identification number.
X1 X-coordinate of the block start.
Y1 Y-coordinate of the block start.
X2 X-coordinate of the block end.
Y2 Y-coordinate of the block end.
Set block position and/or block size.
Twin_Setface Win,Font_Face    
Win Window identification number.
Font_Face Flags for the individual text styles (same as with TEXT STYLE).
Set text style.
Twin_Setfont Win,Font_Nr
Win Window identification number.
Font_Nr Identification number of the desired font.
Set text font.
Twin_Setforecolor Win,Font_Forecolor    
Win Window identification number.
Font_Forecolor  Text color.
Set text color.
Twin_Setline Win,Y,Txt$
Win Window identification number.
Y Number of the line in which the text should be modified.
Txt$ New text.
Modify text line.
Twin_Setsize Win,Font_Size    
Win Window identification number.
Font_Size Font size.
Set text size.
Twin_Settextsize Win,Font_Size      
Win Window identification number.
Font_Size       Font size.
Change text size.
Uwin_Copy Win[,X,Y,W,H]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the area which should be copied.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the area which should be copied.
W Width of the area which should be copied.
H Height of the area which should be copied.
Copy picture onto the clipboard.
Uwin_Getblock Win,X,Y
Uwin_Getblock Win,0,W,H
Uwin_Getblock Win,X,Y,W,H
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the block start.
Y Y-coordinate of the block start.
W Width of the block.
H Height of the block.
Query block position and/or block size.
Uwin_Hcopy Win[,X,Y,W,H]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be printed area.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be printed area.
W Width of the to be printed area.
H Height of the to be printed area.
Print window.
Uwin_Open R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H
Uwin_Open R Win,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H,Virt_W,
Virt_H,Name$, Info$[,Kind],Redraw
Win Window identification number.
Win_X X-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_Y Y-position of the window on the real screen.
Win_W Width of the window.
Win_H Height of the window.
Virt_W Width of the virtual screen.
Virt_H Height of the virtual screen.
Name$  The name of the window which is displayed in the title bar.
Info$ The content of the info line below the title bar.
Kind Window flags (explanation see Gwin_Open).
Redraw Address of an redraw function.
Open user window.
Uwin_Save Win[,X,Y,W,H],File$
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be saved area.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the to be saved area.
W Width of the to be saved area.
H Height of the to be saved area.
File$ FileSpecificationRecord of the file into which the data should be stored.
Save window into a "PICT" file.
Uwin_Select Win,X,Y,R W,R H[,Action]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the upper left corner of the block.
Y Y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the block.
W Width of the block.
H Height of the block.
Action Address of an action function called by EasyGem with each mouse movement.
Select block.
Uwin_Setblock Win,X,Y
Uwin_Setblock Win,0,W,H
Uwin_Setblock Win,X,Y,W,H
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the block start.
Y Y-coordinate of the block start.
W Width of the block.
H Height of the block.
Set block position and/or block size.
Win_Activate Win   
Win Window identification number.
Divert output into a real window.
Win_Close Win    
Win Window identification number.
Close and delete window.
Win_Domessages Buffer$[,Closeaction]
Buffer$ Contains the event string.
Closeaction Address of a function to be called before the window is closed.
Process window events.
Win_Full Win
Win Window identification number.
Bring window to maximal size.
Win_Getborder Win,R Border_X,R Border_Y,R Border_W,R Border_H
Win Window identification number.
Border_X X-position of the upper left corner.
Border_Y Y-position of the upper left corner.
Border_W Total width of the window including all marginal elements.
Border_H Total height of the window including all marginal elements.
Query position and size of the whole window including all marginal elements.
Win_Getstep Win,R Step_X,R Step_Y 
Win Window identification number.
Step_X Step size in X-direction.
Step_Y Step size in Y-direction.
Query scroll step size.
Win_Getview Win,R View_X,R View_Y,R View_W,R View_H
Win Window identification number.
View_X X-coordinate of the visible area on the virtual screen.
View_Y Y-coordinate of the visible area on the virtual screen.
View_W Width of the visible area.
View_H Height of the visible area.
Query position and size of the visible area.
Win_Getvirt Win,R Virt_X,R Virt_Y,R Virt_W,R Virt_H
Win Window identification number.
Virt_X X-position of the virtual screen (usually 0).
Virt_Y Y-Position des virtuellen Fensters (usually 0).
Virt_W Width of the virtual screen.
Virt_H Height of the virtual screen.
Query the size of the virtual screen.
Win_Getwork Win,R Work_X,R Work_Y,R Work_W,R Work_H
Win Window identification number.
Work_X X-position of the upper left corner of the inner area.
Work_Y Y-position of the upper left corner of the inner area.
Work_W Width of the inner area without the marginal elements.
Work_H Height of the inner area without the marginal elements.
Query position and size of the work area.
Win_Hide Win    
Win Window identification number.
Make window invisible.
Win_Info Win,Info$ 
Win Window identification number.
Info$ Text to be displayed into the info line.
Modify info line.
Win_Mousepos R Win,Xin,Yin,R Xout,R Yout
Win The number of the window in front of which the mouse is actually positioned. A zero indicates that it is not an EasyGem window.
Xin,Yin In this parameters you usually pass Mx,My. It is self-evident that each arbitrary position on the real screen may be passed as well.
Xout,Yout Position of e.g. the mouse on the virtual screen. If Win is the ID of a text window, the result ist not returned in pixel but in characters.
Determine the mouse position on the virtual screen.
Win_Name Win,Name$ 
Win Window identification number.
Name$  Text to be dispayed into the title bar.
Modify the text of the title bar.
Win_Redraw Win[,X,Y,W,H]
Win Window identification number.
X X-coordinate of the area on the virtual screen which should be updated.
Y Y-coordinate of the area on the virtual screen which should be updated.
W Width of the area on the virtual screen which should be updated.
H Height of the area on the virtual screen which should be updated.
Update window.
Win_Reopen Win[,Win_X,Win_Y,Win_W,Win_H]
Win Window identification number.
Win_X X-position on the real screen.
Win_Y Y-position on the real screen.
Win_W Width on the real screen.
Win_H Height on the real screen.
Reopen the window.
Win_Setborder Win,Border_X,Border_Y,Border_W,Border_H
Win Window identification number.
Border_X X-position of the upper left corner.
Border_Y Y-position of the upper left corner.
Border_W Total width of the window including all marginal elements.
Border_H Total height of the window including all marginal elements.
Set position and size of the whole window including all marginal elements.
Win_Setflags Win,Flags 
Win Window identification number.
Flags Window flags.
Set the window flags.
Win_Setstep Win,Step_X,Step_Y 
Win Window identification number.
Step_X Step size in X-direction.
Step_Y Step size in Y-direction.
Set scroll step size.
Win_Setview Win,View_X,View_Y,View_W,View_H
Win Window identification number.
View_X X-coordinate of the visible area on the virtual screen.
View_Y Y-coordinate of the visible area on the virtual screen.
View_W Width of the visible area.
View_H Height of the visible area.
Set position and size of the visible area.
Win_Setvirt Win,Virt_X,Virt_Y,Virt_W,Virt_H
Win Window identification number.
Virt_X X-position of the virtual screen (usually 0).
Virt_Y Y-Position des virtuellen Fensters (usually 0).
Virt_W Width of the virtual screen.
Virt_H Height of the virtual screen.
Set the size of the virtual screen.
Win_Setwork Win,Work_X,Work_Y,Work_W,Work_H
Win Window identification number.
Work_X X-position of the upper left corner of the inner area.
Work_Y Y-position of the upper left corner of the inner area.
Work_W Width of the inner area without the marginal elements.
Work_H Height of the inner area without the marginal elements.
Set position and size of the work area.
Win_Top Win
Win Window identification number.
Bring window to the front.

4. Window Library -turn page- 5. Utility Library

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